Assessing the Impact of Urinary Calculi on Patients’ Quality of Life (Including Physical Symptoms, Psychosocial Distress, Healthcare Utilization, and Economic Burden)

Anwar Rashed Ahmed Ahmed *

Specialized Medical Care Hospital, UAE.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Globally, both prostate and kidney stones are among the most prevalent and important health problems that affect men. There is no denying that such circumstances will have detrimental effects on patients’ possible dimensions of quality of life. Pain, urinary dysfunction, and discomfort are the main factors responsible for worsening the quality of life. This psychosocial stress, which includes anxiety, depression, and impaired social relationships, intensifies the patient's ordeal. Healthcare consumption patterns like routine and frequent medical visits, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic interventions depict the enormous need for the healthcare systems and the patients. Furthermore, the economic consequences, including direct medical costs, indirect productivity losses and socioeconomic unbalance, point out that kidney stones have multiple effects. People with these conditions are highly prone to anxiety, depression, and emotional distress as a result of constant fear of the coming recurrence and progressive nature of the disease. Relationships may become strained and individuals may have to fight loneliness and weak self-esteem, adding to the load from the illness. During their journey in the healthcare system, patients with kidney stones go through the processes of diagnostic tests, therapeutic interventions, and follow-up consultations. Patterns of usage demonstrate the complexity of treating these conditions, justifying reasons for reconsidering provisions of healthcare resources, services, and patient-provider communication. The complex interaction between disease pathology, patient experience, and healthcare outcomes is the focus of this review, drawing upon the current literature to serve this purpose. It is necessary to know all the mechanisms in the body to help in the development of better clinical management strategies, and patient support interventions, and to reduce the socioeconomic implications of prostate and kidney stones. This review shall focus on the implications that people, particularly men, experience when dealing with conditions such as kidney and renal stones. It will deeply reflect on their quality of life and how it is negatively impacted by the burden of diseases during their lifetime.

Keywords: Kidney stones, renal stones, quality of life, benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), psychosocial distress, economic burdens

How to Cite

Ahmed, Anwar Rashed Ahmed. 2024. “Assessing the Impact of Urinary Calculi on Patients’ Quality of Life (Including Physical Symptoms, Psychosocial Distress, Healthcare Utilization, and Economic Burden)”. Asian Journal of Research and Reports in Urology 7 (1):35-40.


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